Our daily activities include:
- Classroom Learning Centers
- Music and Movement
- Outdoor Play
- Math and Science Instruction in the Discovery Room
- Snack Time
Every morning, teachers greet each child as they enter the classroom. This provides a meaningful one-on-one moment and fosters a smooth transition. Children have circle time or morning meeting where they greet one another, share news, talk about what will happen during their day at preschool, and choose classroom jobs.
Our Discovery Room:
Preschoolers are not too young to learn about the scientific method. Children are curious about their world. In our Discovery Room they are encouraged to independently find answers to their questions through hands on experiences. All of our students receive daily exposure to science and math activities.
Some of the areas that we explore which excite children’s interest and encourage hands on experimentation are:
- Magnets
- Dinosaurs
- Solar systems
- Insects and bugs
- The body and the five senses
Our Chapel:
Children attend a weekly chapel service with music and a bible story. Birthdays are celebrated with a special birthday prayer and “Happy Birthday” sung by the whole school. Chapel is an opportunity for the entire school to come together and celebrate God’s love through songs, stories, and felt board activities. The Rector and Associate Rector often participate in our preschool’s chapel services.
Our Music Room:
Music is a daily experience for all students attending St. Andrew’s preschool. Throughout the year children are exposed to various genres of music and instruments. Movement, play and stories are frequently used as learning tools in the music classroom.
Age appropriate instruments are also used to introduce basic musical concepts such as:
- Rhythm
- Dynamics
- Tempo
Special Events:
- Seasonal Events include a Getting to Know You Picnic, Trunk or Treat, Stone Soup Luncheon, Christmas Program, Science Night, Spring Tea, Sundaes on Monday and End of the Year Picnic.
- Summer Fun Camp offers the opportunity to extend the regular school year for all our current preschool families. For those children bound for Kindergarten, an Enrichment Camp is also offered following our Summer Fun Camp.
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